Короткая заметка про настройку NTP клиента в Windows.
Для настройки вручную из cmd можно воспользоваться командами:
1. NTP Server на Linux (ntpd)
C:\>net time /setsntp:Или объединить их в bat или cmd скрипт:The command completed successfully. C:\>net stop w32time The Windows Time service is stopping. The Windows Time service was stopped successfully. C:\>net start w32time The Windows Time service is starting. The Windows Time service was started successfully. C:\>net time /querysntp The current SNTP value is: The command completed successfully.
@ECHO OFF :: IP-адрес или FQDN-имя NTP-сервера локальной сети. SET "NTP_SRV=ntp.company.local" net time /setsntp:%NTP_SRV% net stop w32time net start w32time net time /querysntp
1. NTP Server на Linux (ntpd)